Is Yoga Good for Expectant Mothers?

Blog Fitness During and After Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an interesting and exciting time in every woman’s life. Some people begin to perceive it as a “diagnosis” when the expectant mother is not allowed to do anything. However, if a pregnant woman’s physical health is normal and there are no contraindications, she can lead an active lifestyle.

Yoga is an ideal option for a useful and interesting pastime for expectant mothers. This is an activity that is becoming increasingly popular. The most important thing is that yoga is not only exercise, but also a kind of lifestyle. It combines a whole range of soft and smooth movements aimed at restoring all organs and systems of the body.

How is yoga useful for the expectant mother?

Rachel Rivera, a fitness instructor for pregnant women, explains that such classes help a woman feel energetic, relieve discomfort in the lower back, prepare the birth muscles for the most crucial moment of a woman’s life, relax the body and have a positive attitude towards childbirth, and most importantly, help to establish proper breathing, which is very useful during childbirth.

Regularly practicing asanas will help reduce the symptoms of toxicosis, reduce the risk of stretch marks, and make pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period easier.

To attend classes from 12 weeks of age

The instructor recommends coming to classes from the 12th week of pregnancy. According to her, this is when the fetal nervous system and certain physiological changes in the woman’s body have already taken place. Two or three classes a week are enough to make her feel better and her pregnancy go smoothly.

  • “Yoga is a very wise system for rejuvenating the body and mind,” adds Ms. Rivera. Quite often in the classroom it happens that a woman sees a new exercise and worries that she won’t be able to do it, and then she succeeds. And she is very pleased that her body can do many things. This gives the pregnant woman more confidence in her abilities.

The instructor offers not just classic yoga classes, but also combines different moves that are ideal for expectant mothers. Thanks to the exercises, you can prevent problems with varicose veins, which, by the way, are very common in pregnant women. With regular asanas, fatigue and swelling of the limbs, muscle tension, and blood circulation disappear.

Back and legs will hurt less

Yoga exercises also have a good effect on the uterus, strengthening its walls. This reduces the risk of premature birth and complications. The most important thing is to perform asanas without jerks and sudden movements, smoothly. In this way, they improve blood flow in the walls of the uterus and pelvis, strengthening the back muscles and spine. Accordingly, the baby becomes more comfortable in the mother’s tummy and moves more easily. The most important thing in increasing blood circulation during classes is that more oxygen is transported to the fetus, which is very important during pregnancy for the baby!!!!

Yoga will help to get rid of this discomfort. When the back is straightened, the internal organs take the correct physiological position, which improves their blood supply and function. Yoga can also help to balance hormones and the nervous system.

A very important aspect of the classes is exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. According to the instructor, by making them more elastic, a woman will help her child pass the birth canal more easily. And after childbirth, the muscles will contract, strengthen and tighten better and more efficiently, meaning they will return to normal faster. By the way, thanks to the ability to tense and relax the intimate muscles in time, you can avoid perineal tears and other complications.

When is exercise not recommended?

As the trainer explains, it is better to consult a doctor before exercising. If there is a threat of preterm labor or other contraindications, it is better to refrain. All movements of pregnant women should be smooth and gentle. A woman in position should listen carefully to her feelings and be guided by her sense of comfort in any of the positions or exercises.

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